Rosalind Franklin University Health Equity Center
3471 Green Bay Road
North Chicago, IL 60064
This ANCC approved Foundations Course is valid in all 50 states for RNs. While virtual, this highly rated course is very interactive and taught by 5 advanced degree faculty, most of whom are FCNs. We've enhanced the standard course by adding modules on Trauma Informed Care and Opioid Misuse . We provide additional helpful tools and mentoring for students. RNs receive FCN designation; LPNs, spiritual leaders or laypersons wanting to start a Health Ministry welcome to attend too! Need based scholarships considered.
The curriculum is comprised of 15 moduals presented over 4 days. These moduals prepare the Faith Community Nurse to serve in this specialized ministry in complete collaboration with the pastor and administrator of their church. This subspecialty primary focus is on the intentional care of the spirit aspiring to promote wholeness in the heart, mind, body, and spirit as a focus for healing.
Classroom Attendance is required. There are written & online assignments required for ANCC Certificate completion.
For information:
Barbara Kilbride, MS, RN, FCN Manager (239) 343-5182
Lee Health, Ft. Myers Florida
Is the Holy Spirit or your Greater Power nudging you to service? If so join us for the Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Curriculum in Boise,Idaho November 7-10, 2024. This is an in-person, retreat style class that encourages sharing, reflection and building community.
The Foundations for Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course is open to licensed registered nurses (RNs) and the parallel Health Ministry course is for nurses with inactive licenses and faith community lay members. The course is six sessions held on Zoom from 8am – 5pm on the following dates: November 11, 12, 18, 25, December 2, 3, 2024. Cost for the six days of training is $325 with a limited number of scholarships available for residents of Linn, Benton or Lincoln Counties in Oregon. Course cost includes four books and 38+ continuing education contact hours. This course is open to - and welcomes - all faith traditions.